Message from Administrator

Well, it’s 6:15am and my days have been underway for a while and I am feeling mentally spent. So, rather than complain, let’s get some things done this morning. There are two types of people in this world: people who get things done and people who complain about what they have to do. I don’t like complaining, so I focus my attention on what I can do, not on what I can’t.
I hear some residents are still having issues with Cablevision/Optimum, specifically with billing. Your cable bill is built into your common charges and has been since October of last year. Now that sounds simple, but like everything in life, it’s always more complicated than it seems. What’s included in your cable bill are the following:
Internet, cable, one cable box, one modem with wireless, and over 250 channels including, HBO, STARZ, SHOWTIME, HALLMARK, etc.
Any additional services will be billed to you directly, which includes additional boxes, DVR service, telephone, additional channels, etc.
If you only have one cable box and one modem in your home, you should not be receiving a bill. Yes, you still need an account with them and will receive a statement with a zero balance. If you are receiving a bill and believe it’s too high (above services not included), you must call the multi-dwelling unit phone number at (888) 565-5785. Only call on weekdays during the day, as this is specific for billing. They are open on nights and weekends, however, these calls get transferred to a call center and it becomes a nightmare.
In the event that you have issues with them, please call our account rep., Hugh Morrison, at (516) 988-8728. If Hugh does not get back to you, call me directly at (631) 698-4861 or send me an e-mail at I can’t speak directly for the multi-dwelling unit staff or for Hugh, but I can speak for myself. If I receive a call or e-mail from you, I guarantee that you will receive a response, and your issue will be resolved if it’s an error on their end.
Those who were being charged incorrectly have received a full credit, and you will as well if you follow the instructions above. Please don’t waste your time being on hold for hours or complaining to your fellow residents. Follow the steps and your issue will be resolved. I wish I could fix Optimum or many other companies, but I can’t as I don’t work there, I work here. As stated previously over the last year when we signed, Optimum was the only company that offered what we needed, which is still true now.
I know they can be very challenging to deal with, but for the overwhelming majority of the community, things are working well. The only complaints I still hear about are with billing problems, which again, can be resolved with the steps above. Not one homeowner or resident will be charged for a service they didn’t receive. I am here to help you, but can’t do that if I am not aware of the problem. I have dealt with well over a hundred(s) issues with people’s accounts, and every one of those issues got resolved. Let’s all stay the course and continue to work together, rather than against.
It’s hard to transition out of this topic, as talking about Optimum breaks my soul and kills my positive spirit, but anyway, the outdoor amenities are in full swing and we had our first pool party last week. I was hoping for a larger turnout, but those who came seemed to enjoy. I know we all believe that our ideas are best, but keep in mind that 3,000 people live in Bretton Woods. Nothing we do will make everyone happy, but we do try our best to have a variety of parties and entertainment to capture the majority.
I would like to take this time to thank the HOA Board for their acknowledgment at the previous HOA meeting. I am very grateful to work for all of them and I am very appreciative of their trust and support. The job certainly comes with many long days and a multitude of obstacles and challenges. I think the hardest part of the job, though, is working with all different types of personalities. However, that’s also my favorite part of the job, well, most of the time. That being said, working for a board that understands those challenges and offers their support, makes those challenges much easier to deal with. So, my sincerest thank you goes out to all of them and to all of you as well.
Let’s end this month by celebrating what matters the most, and that’s our Independence Day. I find it sad that most people haven’t read the Declaration of Independence or remember what our freedom cost to so many who came before us. I think that many have forgotten that freedom isn’t “free” and that all the liberties we take for granted are not guaranteed to last. I love this country very much and know how blessed I am to live here. I may worry, and I do often, about the path we are currently on, but there is nowhere else I would rather live.
I know I can’t change the world, but I can help change the minds of a few and they can do the same. If we all work together, we can change the world and leave it better than we found it. I have two little kids who live with me and that’s where I put my focus on daily. I recommend that we all work hard to remember that a life without good morals and principles is not a life worth living. Those who have the ability to help others not only should but have a duty to do so.
I have been in many unfortunate circumstances over the course of my life; some were forced upon me, but many were self-imposed. I somehow managed to always come out of them well. I thought it was always because of my quick thinking and ability to adapt to changing circumstances. However, I now realize that wasn’t the case at all. The reason was because people who had no obligation to help me did so anyway. I thank them from the bottom of my heart, and even though I can’t thank them directly, as I don’t remember them all, I can thank them by helping others and giving back what was first given to me.
July brings us the following holidays and days of significance: Independence Day!
Craig Pessin-HOA Administrator
Question: A man walks down a road and it has three different paths at the end. How does he choose which to go down?
Answer: The one that scares him most. Fear is how you know you’re alive, safety is how you end up dying alone on a couch. Do something that scares you and watch your life change right before your frightened eyes.