Bretton Woods Players

How quickly the seasons change. Pool days end. School days start. Each season creates its own art.

We had our annual Pool Party on August 7th. Because it rained that day, we had to bring our party into the Rainbow Room. However, it didn’t dampen our spirits. Everyone had a wonderful time. Our theme was Woodstock, and everyone dressed for the occasion. The decorations were great. Thank you to everyone who shopped, set up, or cleaned up. Everyone did a great job. Special thank you to Bonnie and Joanna for their special touches. Lots of pictures were taken at the photo booth. Thanks to all those members who entertained us. Great job. Our table singers had so much spirit. It was so much fun for everyone. Thank you to Kurt and the staff of the V P cafe. Thank you for always accommodating us and our theme party menus. Thank you to Craig and the clubhouse staff. They always do a great job helping us set up and clean up.

The Traveling Chorus has been traveling to different nursing homes and assisted living facilities through July and August. The residents enjoyed our shows and invited us back. We will revisit these facilities again in December for the holiday season.

We started rehearsals for the October show in the middle of August. Thank you to Linda R., Leslie, and Ken for giving us a great script to work with. We hope you will all join us on the following dates: Friday, October 18th, Saturday, 19th at 7:30 pm, and Sunday, October 20th, at 2 pm. Refreshments will be served in the Rainbow Room after each show.

If you enjoy being a part of the theater, but don’t want to be on stage, come join us. There are so many ways you can help with a production without performing. Come to our next meeting on Tuesday, September 3rd, at 7 pm, in the PA Room. Hope to see you there.

The players will be sponsoring our annual Craft Fair and Flea Market on Sunday, November 10th, from 12 to 4 pm, in the Rainbow Room. Tables will cost 15 dollars. If you have any questions, you can call Judy at (631) 553-2553. She will be chairing this event.

Wishing all our children a safe and successful school year.
Happy Labor Day. Happy Fall.

So many of our members have had or are having cataract surgery so a special shout-out to all our cataract-processed members. 😎Hope the sun shines brighter for you every day.

Sunshine Wishes to Bob. Glad your surgery is over and you are up and about.
Sunshine wishes to Arlene and Dolores for all your medical encounters.
Sunshine wishes to Renee. We hope you are feeling much better.

Happy birthday to all our September Birthday Babies.

Spread the Love ❤️. Sing 🎶 a Song 🎶. “September Morn”