Condominium IV – Board of Managers

Condo IV – September 2024

Our next meeting for all condo IV residents will be held on Wednesday, September 11th @7:00pm in the library. All Condo IV residents are welcome to attend.
We will be having our annual election for our board members at the October 9th meeting. Our Condo IV meetings are always held on the 2nd Wednesday of each month. The election of members to the Board of Managers is a most important aspect of the governing of your Condominium. Remember your Condo IV board members are comprised of your neighbors. We can always use new people and NEED people with new ideas who would like to volunteer and join the board. Let us hear about your leadership qualities, skills, experience, passions, and goals. In the event you wish to submit your name, please complete an application which is attached. It is very important the application be sent no later than October 1st or delivered by hand to the office with a request to date stamp.
In the event you wish to submit your name in nomination for a seat on your board, please follow the instructions contained in the application. Please make sure the application is sent to: Bretton Woods Condominium IV
Board of Managers
1027 Clubhouse Court
Coram,NY 11727
September 2nd- First Monday in September- Labor Day -The Workingman’s holiday! This day is usually celebrated with a day off and many parades. Many people celebrate this weekend with the last picnic of the summer.
September 11th – On this day we encourage you to spend some time reflecting upon this tragic event and praying for the victims who died and their families and friends. Let us not ever forget.
September 22nd- First Day of Fall -The days are shorter, temperatures start to drop, the air is crisp and it starts to get darker earlier. Please drive with extra care.
“One small positive thought in the morning can change the outcome
of your entire day”


General Instructions
1. Complete Section A (Nominee)
2. Section B (Qualifications) may contain any background information (education, previous experience on condominium boards, any experience, training, etc) which the nominee wishes to be brought to the attention of the residents.
3. Mail completed application to:
Condominium IV
1027 Clubhouse Court
Coram, NY 11727
NOTE: Completed applications must be postmarked no later than Oct. 1, 2024
You can also deliver it to the main office and have it date stamped
SECTION A (NOMINEE) Please print or type:
NAME ______________________________________
PHONE NUMBER________________________________

SECTION B (QUALIFICATIONS) Please print or type: (Use other side if necessary)