Message from Administrator

This morning is the second time I have sat down to write my article this week. I never thought I would see the day, as it appears words are escaping me. I remember reading something long ago about why we have two ears and one mouth. Apparently, that’s so we can listen more than we speak and that’s something I have been trying to do.
In the last few weeks, I have seen and heard a lot of different things. I am coming to the realization that the best advice in life is normally the advice that we don’t want to hear. More importantly is that although many people need advice, it’s not our job to offer something that they don’t seek.
I have always thought it was my job to help others and I still believe that is my purpose in life. I think that we should all try and help others and give back if and where we can. However, as the old saying goes,
“You can’t help people who don’t want to be helped.”
So, my goal moving forward is to spend more time on people who want help rather than on those who need help. I will start with myself, as we can’t help others if we refuse to help ourselves. One of the biggest mistakes people make in life is to ignore their issues by focusing on others. Don’t make the mistake of thinking you’re better than you are just because you managed to find someone worse.
As of today, we have had to salt the roads a few times, but we have not had to plow which is a great thing. I want to thank our maintenance crew for staying on top of our winter storms, as they do every year. Monitoring and maintaining the roads over the winter season is never an easy task and they all do a great job. A special thanks to Joe and Dylan who handle the coordination and ensure that we always have enough staff and equipment readily available.
I want to thank Kurt and Tom for doing a great job this year for our New Year’s Eve party. Although we no longer get the one hundred-plus people to attend as we once did, we still had a nice turnout. I encourage all of you who are interested in having more of a social life in Bretton Woods to attend our events. We have a few different social clubs and entertainment hosted by the HOA. Please check the Newsletter and listen to the blast calls if you’re interested in meeting new people and having some fun.
I also want to remind all of you that we have many recreational amenities down at the clubhouse for your enjoyment. Whether you want to go for a swim, soak in the jacuzzi, bake in the sauna, or sweat in the gym, we’ve got you covered.
For those of you who like more leisurely activities, we have billiard tables, card rooms, ping pong, bowling, and more. We have many regulars who come daily to play cards, mahjong, dominos, and I am sure many other games that I don’t know how to play. So, pick your game or activity, and come on down!
The staff works very hard and does a great job assisting all of you and maintaining our facilities. I can’t put into words how grateful and appreciative I am for all of our employees, contractors, and vendors. Without them all, I would not be able to successfully fulfill my responsibilities.
A sincere thank you to the office and front desk staff who work very closely with me day in and day out. They probably know me the best of all of the staff, as I spend the most time with them. So, they get to see the best and worst of me and I thank them for their grace.
The HOA Board of Directors knows how appreciative I am for all of their support. As a result, I have always been a devoted employee and take ownership of every aspect of my work. Regardless if I am on vacation, on personal time, or sick, I make myself available. I would not be able to do that successfully without their guidance and trust.
Mooney Pond Area Utilities is our sewage treatment plant. A board of dedicated people who work hard to maintain the operation of the plant. I have the privilege of working with them and I am very proud of the work that we have done over the years.
Last but certainly not least, I send a special thanks to all of the Condo Presidents and boards, with whom I maintain a close relationship and value their input. We can’t always agree on everything, but we always find a solution to resolve any issue.
My attempt for this coming year is to be more appreciative of the simple things in life. Many of us tend to forget how quickly our current circumstances can change. I hear people complain often about their lives, only to realize sooner than later that the things they were complaining about were actually a blessing.
I don’t know what my future holds or if my purpose will change as the years go on, but I am sure that, like most people, many things will change in my life, some for the better and some for the worse. I do know that regardless of what happens, I will use the experience to better myself and those around me.
I have learned several things from this most recent evolution, most of which will be for my own growth and development. The one thing that I must share with all of you, and is something I have practiced for a while, is the following: Never compare yourself to anyone else, and never try and live someone else’s life. We are all unique individuals and have our own different strengths and desires. To conform to someone else’s version of you will only stop you from fulfilling your purpose and reaching your full potential.
February brings us the following holidays and days of significance: Valentine’s Day and President’s Day

Craig Pessin- HOA Administrator

Not all shapes align or fit into one another. That doesn’t mean that you’re the wrong shape, it just means that you haven’t found the right fit. This applies to many different things in life. You decide what piece of the puzzle your shape is and where it goes.