An Update from the President
February 2025
February 2025
Dear Bretton Woods Community,
Things are currently quiet (AND COLD!) in the community as we find ourselves in the middle of the winter season and there is no new news to report. The plant continues to run smoothly on a daily and monthly basis.
The next open forum meeting of the HOA Board of Directors is not until April 2025, but all residents are welcome to reach out to me or contact a staff member at the Clubhouse with any questions or concerns.
The one caveat to the above statement is that anyone with Optimum concerns should contact Bretton Woods’ Optimum account representative, Hugh Morrison, directly. This has been stated in the newsletter many times, yet people continue to contact me with their Optimum issues. I am a volunteer, certainly not affiliated with Optimum in any way, and cannot assist anyone with their Optimum problems. Anyone experiencing issues with Optimum should contact Hugh directly at
Everyone is reminded to follow Bretton Woods on Facebook by searching “Bretton Woods HOA.” Please note that, when requesting permission to join the group, a question pops up that says, “In which Condo # do you reside? (Your request will be denied if you do not answer.)” It’s crazy how many people ignore that question, request access to the group, and subsequently get denied. Therefore, please note that, while I’d love to have everyone join the group, anyone who doesn’t enter his/her Condo number (1-9), will be denied access.
Wishing everyone a very happy Valentine’s Day!
“All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesn’t hurt.”
-Charles M. Schulz
Thank you,
Proud President