Condo VII – March 2025
March 5 – Ash Wednesday
March 9 – Daylight Saving Time begins
March 17 – St. Patrick’s Day
March 20 – First Day of Spring
Pasquale (“Pat”) Zicari, one of our original owners, passed away at the end of January at the age of 98. Pat was always very active in the community and up until a few years ago was still gardening. We are sure he will be missed and we extend our condolences to his family.
One of our young neighbors is in need of your prayers. In early January 2025, Sadie Williams who is 8 years old and lives at 740 Hilltop Ct. with her mom, Annie, and her brother, Theo, was diagnosed with osteosarcoma, a rare bone cancer. She is facing a very tough year of chemo, surgery, and more chemo all while being home-schooled. Please feel free to reach out to the Board if you would like to find out how you can provide support for her and her family.
It’s almost the middle of February and we’re in the middle of a storm cycle. While the snowfall totals have not been large, it’s been one storm after another. With a little luck, we’ll get through the rest of the winter without being slammed too hard. Apologies to the people who love those big storms. For those of us who have to oversee the cleanup, it’s a bit of a nightmare. There are always complaints from the residents who feel their walkways aren’t cleared fast enough and the parking plazas aren’t plowed. We have 11 buildings and a considerable number of sidewalks. The landscapers work as quickly as they can so, please be patient. Your sidewalks will be cleared. As far as the parking plazas are concerned, they can’t get plowed until the cars are moved out. If your plaza doesn’t get done, it’s because the cars aren’t moved out. Don’t call the HOA office or email/call Board members when your plaza doesn’t get done. Clean your cars off and move them out so Maintenance can plow. If you have neighbors who are elderly or disabled, help them out by offering to clean and move their cars. Common courtesy, consideration, and neighborliness go a long way. Let’s act like the community we want this to be.
Spring Clean-up
Depending on the weather the spring clean-up will start in March and continue into April. The Board will do its usual spring walk-around to check on issues that need to be addressed. If you feel something needs to be taken care of, submit a work order. We will review, prioritize, and complete as the budget allows. Remember any work that needs to be done on your property is your responsibility.
The recent destruction caused by the wildfires in California has brought the need for insurance front and center. As we previously informed you, at the time of our annual renewal last year the Board substantially increased the Condo’s replacement cost insurance coverage. In addition, Fannie Mae and other mortgage lenders recently required us to add an additional 4% inflation guard to our replacement cost coverage. Since we already had a substantial increase, we only needed to add another 2%. However, come our renewal in July we will probably have to automatically implement the 4% increase.
It is just as important for you to make sure you have enough coverage in the event of a disaster. Many California homeowners/renters have learned they were underinsured and the total amount of their losses will not be covered. Don’t let that happen to you. Make sure you have enough insurance to cover your property.
Basement Schedule for March and April
Saturday, March 8 from 11:30am to 12:00pm
Sunday, March 23 from 11:30am to 12:00pm.
Saturday, April 12 from 11:30am to 12:00pm
Sunday, April 27 from 11:30am to 12:00pm
Condo e-Mail
The condo e-mail address will only be monitored sporadically between March 2nd and March 20th. If there is something urgent you need to bring to the Board’s attention either submit a work order or leave a note for the Board in the Clubhouse mailbox.
The preferred method to submit work orders is online at Please make sure you include your phone # so you can be contacted if any additional details are needed. No computer? No problem. You can still obtain a paper work order at the Clubhouse.
Condo VII Board of Managers
Thought for the month
There is nothing in the world so irresistibly contagious as laughter and good humor.
– Charles Dickens