Condominium V – Board of Managers

Condo V- February 2025


Sharon Friedman, Lynne Wager, Peter Amato, Diane Ruzicka, Lorna Nieves, Joanne Fontanella, Linda Reilly, Lisa Koehler, Jose Cordero, Fred Savino and Steve Brylski.
This is the time of the year to see health signs………it’s the season for the sniffles, coughs, cold, and flu and we can’t forget Covid. Don’t ignore the signs of illness
REMEMBER…………if you are not feeling well, don’t push yourself. Go to the doctor to address your illness, don’t wait. Better to be safe than sorry. Time can make matters worse.
Let family and friends know you are not well so they can check up on you.
If you know someone is sick, and alone, be kind. Maybe you can send over some homemade chicken soup or some dinner.
Rest and take your meds…… be kind to your body!
February is the time of the year when we get hit with snow…and sometimes the snow is deep. Be careful walking and if you don’t have to go out, stay in.
In the event we get less than 2” of snow, ice melt is located at Parking 28 on Woodland by the mailboxes and Parking 29 on Woodland by the ramp. On Birchwood, ice melt is located by the mailboxes in front of unit 169 and parking lot 42 on top of the stairs by 114 Birchwood.
Be considerate of those who go out to clean off their cars so they can go to work. Your neighbor may have to work hard to clean their cars, depending on the snow accumulation. So please don’t steal their parking space. Again, be considerate of the work they had to do to get out.
Happy New Year 2025: The Partying is over and the family guests have all returned to their homes after a festive time at Bretton Woods. The memories will remain and so will the little guests that they left behind. NYS has reported an increase in the arrival of bed bugs especially in NYC and the surrounding suburbs. Travel is widely recognized as the most common source of bed bug infestations. Often unbeknownst to the traveler, bed bugs will hitchhike on people, clothing, luggage, or other personal belongings and be accidentally transported to other properties. Suitcases that travel on airplanes or into hotels are usually thrown on the beds or on the floor which is the common source of these little creatures also visiting your home. After and during your guest’s visits, vacuum often. You can protect mattresses and box springs with bedbug-resistant covers. Even though you wash your linens after your guests leave, also throw your pillows, blankets, and bedspreads into the dryer at high heat just to be safe. Suffolk County Cornell Cooperative Extension has a very informative site if you get infected with bedbugs or notice dark spots on your linen. The site also has a prevention section if you plan to travel.
Policy for Making Changes to the Condo:
Many of you are not aware that any changes you wish to make to your unit requires the following procedures:
You must submit a work order to the Board asking for permission to make changes and attach a description of the changes you wish to make along with specifications. For example—tearing down walls, installing windows and doors, making holes in the outer shells of the building, and electrical work, just to mention a few instances. When in doubt as to whether the restrictions apply to whatever work you may be having done or doing yourself, it would be prudent to contact the Board with a work order.
1. If approved, before work can commence, you must submit the following from your contractor:
a): Copy of contractors’ license for Suffolk County.
b): Copy of proof from the contractor of Workman’s Compensation.
c): Copy of proof from contractor of Liability Insurance.
d): Copy of the contract signed by both parties.
e): Copy of Hold Harmless Agreement (available from your Board), signed
These procedures are designated in the prospectus and House Rules. Work may not commence until we have all the above documents in our (the Board’s) possession. Failure to provide this documentation could result in voiding any future sale of your unit. If work has been done without this documentation and BOARD APPROVAL, you may be required to remove or correct this work at your expense.