Condominium II – Board of Managers

Condo II – March 2025

“Hope sleeps in our bones like a bear waiting for spring to rise and walk. Welcome March”
As a reminder, there is NO assigned parking in Condo II. Vehicles must have a valid handicap placard in order to park in handicap spaces. Vehicles are not permitted to park in no-parking zones. Please pay attention to the signs posted around the condo. Also, all vehicles must have a valid registration and inspection stickers affixed to the car. Residents violating any of the above will be stickered and towed at the owner’s expense.
In the event of a snowstorm, the Condo is responsible for shoveling and applying ice melt to all walkways. Our landscapers will also shovel a path to your front door. The rest of the patio is the responsibility of the homeowner. Our landscaper will only begin after it has stopped snowing and there is at least two inches on the ground. Condo II is very big, so please be patient with our crew. If you do not see them, they may be working in a different part of the Condo. There are also people for private hire in the Bretton News if you need them.
The Condo provides ice melt in buckets located at the end of each building. Please fill a container ahead of time for you to use on your patio. Also, make sure the lids to the bins are on securely. If you notice the ice melt running low, please put in a work order requesting the bin be refilled. Do not forget to put the location of the bin on the work order.
Please take caution when walking outside in inclement weather and freezing temperatures. Grassy areas can be slippery and are not to be walked on. Not only is this dangerous, but could damage the grass. Please utilize the walkways and sidewalks only.
In regards to parking your vehicles with an upcoming snowstorm, Condo II residents are asked to move their vehicles to the parking plazas. No vehicle should remain on the street during a snowstorm. Any vehicle remaining in the street will be subject to towing at the owner’s expense. This will allow the maintenance crew to plow the roads. Maintenance will also plow the middle of the parking plazas. Please also take note of No parking signs for spaces designated for snow. Any vehicle parked in these parking spots will be subject to towing at the owner’s expense. Once the snow has stopped and the roadways and middle of the parking plazas have been plowed, the residents are to move their cars to the street (without blocking fire hydrants, dumpsters, or mailboxes). Once all cars have been removed from the parking plaza, maintenance will then plow the parking plaza. Once the parking plazas have been cleared, residents are asked to move their cars back. Please listen for blast calls from the HOA and the Condo.
To avoid any plumping issues, only toilet paper should be flushed down the toilet. Wipes that are labeled “flushable” will cause a potential backup. Throw all wipes, sanitary napkins, paper towels, etc. in the trash. DO NOT FLUSH! Also, any oils or grease are not to be poured down any drain.

If you would like access to the basement, the basement hours are as follows:
• Second Saturday of every month from 11-11:15am
• Fourth Sunday of every month from 11-11:15am

All items being stored in the basement must be sealed in plastic containers that clearly state the residents’ name, address, and phone number. Please remember that the Condo is not responsible for any lost or stolen items.
Any homeowner wishing to rent his or her unit must obtain a rental permit from the Town of Brookhaven. A copy of the rental permit and a full copy of the tenant’s lease must be on file with the Condo II Board of Managers. Homeowners who do not comply, will be reported to the Town of Brookhaven and be responsible for all fines and expenses.

Remember that no work will be completed without a work order unless it is an emergency. You can email the Condo II Board of Managers with any questions or concerns at Paper work orders are still available, however, work orders submitted online though UpKeep will help expedite your request. You can do this on the Bretton Woods HOA website under the tab work orders.

We look forward to seeing you at the next scheduled open meeting. Stay tuned for details.