Condominium I – Board of Managers

Condo I – February 2025

Welcome to Our New Neighbors!
Nicola Prestano & Om Khan – 117 Skyline Dr.
Meghan & Rob Cirillo – 129 Skyline Dr.
Erica Alemaghides – 134 Skyline Dr.

Open Condo I Meeting Dates – Mark Your Calendar
 The next Condo I Open Board Meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 22 at 7:30.
 Elections for Condo I Board of Manager positions will be on Tuesday, June 24 at 7:00.
 Rosh Hashanah falls on our regular meeting date in September, so the Open Board Meeting for September will be held on Tuesday, September 30 at 7:30.
Basement Parking Plaza 1 – The PP 1 basement was completely gutted, treated for mold, and restored. As of this writing, the workers just finished painting the basement. The outer edge of the windows will be sealed with an expanding foam insulation. Then there will be a final cleaning. The board is looking into getting new steel doors. Once all that is done, the plumber will install a commercial dehumidifier. This project has been a major undertaking. We hope we never have to go through this process in this basement again.
Home Maintenance Prevents Damage to Property – By maintaining your tub grout, fixing leaky faucets, replacing your washing machine and dishwasher hoses, and replacing your aging hot water heaters before they leak, you can prevent costly damage to your own condo, your neighbors’ homes, and the basement if you live over one. If your washing machine or dishwasher hose shows spots of rust, a visible bulge, fraying, loose connections at fittings, and/or corrosion on the metal braided hose it is about to spring a leak and needs to be replaced.
Hot Water Heater – How old is your hot water heater? Check the date on the manufacturer’s sticker located on the heater. Know the life expectancy of your model. It is strongly suggested you replace your hot water heater before it leaks. A hot water heater that bursts will not only flood your condo but most likely your neighbor’s.
Signs your water heater needs servicing or replacement.
1. Rusty water or rust on the heater
2. Noises, rumbling, knocking, or popping sounds due to sediment build-up on the bottom.
3. Leaks due to rust or a buildup of internal pressure.
4. Failure to heat water in a timely manner or inconsistent temperature
5. Old water heater

Snow Parking Rules Reminder – When we are expecting snow, all residents must park in a parking plaza. Do not park along the road. This will enable maintenance to clear the roads first. Once the roads are cleared of snow and a path has been plowed down the middle of your parking plaza, you may move your car to the street. When enough cars are out of the plaza, maintenance will plow the plaza.

Winter Safety Tips – Winter is not over yet. Following these tips may prevent a slip and fall when there may be snow or ice on the ground.
 Wear flat-soled shoes or boots with good rubber treads. Avoid high heels.
 Take short steps or shuffle for stability. Keep your head up and your hands out of your pockets in order to keep your center of gravity over your feet.
 Use handrails when going up and down steps or ramps.
 When getting in and out of a vehicle hold onto it for support.
 Use shoveled, salted, and/or sanded walkways.
 Be aware that it takes time for ice melt to work and that some areas may still be slippery.
 Watch out for black ice.
 Areas in the shade may stay icy longer than areas in the sun.

Cardboard Boxes – Before putting boxes in the dumpster, please, break them down and flatten them out. This way there will still be room for regular household trash. Your neighbors appreciate your cooperation in this matter.
Head-In Parking of Vehicles – It is required that all residents and their guests park their vehicles head-in when parking in our plazas. Parking head-in keeps the exhaust fumes away from our homes. In addition, parking head-in prevents the hot automobile exhaust from burning the grass or other plantings that might be there. This rule is relaxed during snow storms. Otherwise, please, park your vehicle head-in. Make sure your visiting relatives and friends adhere to this rule, too.
Walkways – Please use the existing walkways and do not take shortcuts through the woods or over the grassy areas. This is for your own safety.