Condo I – March 2025
Sunday, March 30 from 2:00 – 5:00
Meet Your Neighbors: Music Bingo Edition
Join in the bingo or just enjoy the afternoon mingling!
Attention Residents Who Have Belongings in the Parking Plaza 3A Basement!
The Parking Plaza 3A basement has suffered damage due to water infiltration and wastewater back-ups. In the very near future, the PP 3A basement will be cleaned, and undergo mold remediation, plumbing repairs, and eventual restoration. This has necessitated that everything in the PP 3A basement be removed.
Notices were previously delivered to all units. By now, you should have made other arrangements for your belongings and removed most, if not all of them. Moldy items should have been discarded. Items stored in covered plastic bins were probably safe. All plastic bins will need to be washed and treated for mold before being allowed back into the basement.
Based on what we learned from the mold remediation and restoration project at the PP 1 basement this work involves many steps and will take many weeks to complete.
Parking Plaza 1 Basement – The PP 1 basement will be getting new doors and a commercial dehumidifier in the very near future. We will let you know when the basement is ready for resident use again. Note: Items that harbor mold such as upholstery, wooden furniture, wooden pallets, cloth, cardboard, paper, and so on are forbidden to be stored in our basements. Personal belongings must be stored in covered plastic bins and labeled with name, address, and phone number. Only clean items that do not harbor mold will be allowed back in the basement. Only plastic pallets may be used in the basement. Again, we will let you know when the basement is ready for resident use.
Dumpster Lids – Please keep smells in and critters out. Please keep dumpster lids closed.
Roof Repairs – Ansen Home Improvements repaired the flashing and replaced some rotted wood on one of our roofs.
Dogs – If you have been granted permission to have a dog under the rules of ADA please adhere to the following condo rules.
Dogs must be on a leash and wear its tags at all times when outside. Dogs must be walked in the street. Dogs may not be walked in the common areas or along our walkways except for the sole purpose of being led to the street.
You must curb your dog. That means make sure your dog does his duty in the street along the curb and not on the patio, the lawn, in the woods, or in any other common area.
You must pick up your dog’s excrement, bag it, and deposit it in the nearest dumpster. Pooper scooper laws on Long Island, New York require dog owners to clean up after their dogs in public areas and on their own property. Failure to comply can result in fines.
Help Keep Bretton Woods Looking Beautiful – As residents, we must all work together to keep our community looking beautiful. Thank you to those of you who pick up litter in your area and take those extra steps to deposit it in the dumpster. Your action helps to improve our property values.
Please walk on the dedicated walkways and do not create paths across the wooded or grassy common areas. This is for your own safety.
In order to avoid clogs in our plumbing pipes, please, take care not to put grease down the sink. Use a sink and shower drain protector to prevent hair from going down and clogging the pipes. Do not put paper towels, feminine products, baby wipes, Q-Tips, dental floss, cigarette butts, and so on in the toilets. Only toilet paper and what nature intends should go down the drain.
Storage is not permitted in the attic.
Condo Rules –Heading-in parking only, with the exception of during a snowstorm.
The Prospectus states vehicles may not be parked in one spot without being moved for more than 5 days.
Break down all cardboard boxes before putting them in the dumpster.
If you need to contact the Condo One Board of Managers, please, put it in writing. Write a letter and place it in one of the three mail slots up at the clubhouse. Or fill out a work order online at Remember only one item/job per work order. Please, do not call a board member at home.
Make sure that your phone number and emergency contact information are up to date in the clubhouse office.
Commons Charges are due on the 1st of the month. A ten-day grace period is given. After the 10th of the month, the late payment fine is $50.
The next Condo One open meeting will take place on Tuesday, April 22 at 7:30 p.m.