Bretton Woods Players

The months that go from Winter ⛄️to Spring. 🌷It gives us all a reason to sing. 🎤

Our next meeting will be Tuesday, March 4th, at 7 pm, in the PA room.
St. Patrick’s Day ☘️ will set the scene, Irish songs and the wearing of the green.


We celebrated Valentine’s Day at our February meeting. Thank you, Meryl, for producing and directing our mini Valentine’s show. Thank you to Thelma, our music director. Thank you, also, to Leslie, our DJ, and her assistant, Judy. Thank you to our cast and everyone who helped make this production successful. We all had a great time on stage and in the audience. We appreciate those in our community who joined us in our Valentine celebration. Special thanks to our Hospitality Committee. Sheri and Jodi, you always do such a great job!

We would like to congratulate Judy, Thelma, Linda G. And Ed. These members have been members of the Players for the past 25 years, and now they will be free lifetime

If you are not a lifetime member, DUES ARE DUE!

We would like to welcome our new member, Pat Savary. Pat has been helping the Players for many years. She always sets up and serves desserts after our shows as well as programs during the show. We are so happy you are now officially part of our Bretton Woods Players family.

If you are reading this article, and are a new resident, or a resident who has been here for many years, and you are looking for something new to do, come visit the Players.
We meet the first Tuesday of the month, at 7 pm in the PA room from September through May. We meet on the first Monday of the month from June through August. If you can Sing, Dance, or Act, come visit us. If you can’t, come anyway. Our main ingredient is fun, so come share some with us.

We will be celebrating St. Patrick’s Day at our March meeting. We will sing some Irish ☘️ songs, and tell some Irish jokes. Wear your green. Hope to see you all there.

We will have try-outs in April for our “AT THE MIC SHOW” Show.
Date: Friday June 13th
Dates for try-outs are Monday, April 21st, from 6:30 to 7:30 pm, Wednesday, April 23rd, 12:30 to 1:30 pm, and Saturday, April 26th, 11:30 to 1:00 pm.

The Players will be sponsoring a “TRIVIA NIGHT” on Friday, May 16th, at 7 pm,
in the Rainbow Room. Leslie, Lori, and Annamarie will be hosting this event. You will find all the information you need about this event in this newsletter. Invite your family and friends. The cost is only $7.00 a person. Hope to see everyone there.

Arlene, we hope by the time you read this, you will be doing so much better. We miss you and your sunny personality. We miss your jokes. We hope you will be back with us soon.

Rick, we hope your surgery was successful, and you will be up and about very soon.

Linda M, we hope you are feeling better and stronger every day, and that you will be back with us soon, sharing your many talents.

Dave, we hope you are all healed from your surgery, and that you are up and about, feeling like new.

Fran, hope you are feeling much better, and you are back to players and all your fun activities soon.

Happy Birthday to our March Birthday Babies.

Happy St. Patrick’s Day. 🍀Happy Spring. 🌻


The Bretton Woods Players
is sponsoring a
Friday, May 16, 2025
7:00-9:30 pm
Rainbow Room
$7.00 per person
Questions in several categories, but the theme for the evening is MUSIC!
So, come have fun with all your friends.
If you win, it all depends,
Who knows what, and who knows when!
Bring check and table arrangements on Wednesday, April 23rd, 1pm
The maximum is 8 per table!
Questions, call: Leslie-516-457-2363