Condominium VIII – Board of Managers

Condo VIII – March 2025

Our records indicate that many residents do not have their dryer vent cleaned out annually. Some people have never had theirs cleaned. The cleaning of the dryer vents is to prevent a dryer fire that will spread to the entire unit and more. The condo pays for your annual cleaning. All you need to do is put in a work order. Let’s prevent a disaster.
Welcome back to our Snowbirds!
Condo 8 bi-annual smoke detector testing is still ongoing; as always, your cooperation is greatly appreciated.

If you’re planning to do spring planting in your flowerbed and aren’t sure what is/isn’t permitted, send an email to the Board. Also, personalized landscaping to the “common areas” is at your expense and requires prior Board approval.
For basement access, submit a work order or send the Board an email. Belongings stored in the basement must be clearly labeled with your name and unit number. No paint cans, tires, or other flammable objects can be stored in the basement.
Dumpsters are for household trash only. Nothing should touch or block access to the dumpster, otherwise the garbage truck will not empty it. HOA Maintenance picks up prohibited items left outside dumpsters on Monday and Friday mornings.
If you have a question whether a home repair is your responsibility or the condo’s, contact the Board via email.
No work will be done without the submission of a work order unless it is an emergency.
All work orders must be filled out completely with your name, unit number, and phone number for it to be approved. Paper-format work orders are still available at the clubhouse; however, electronic work orders expedite your request – submit them at:

Residents doing their own home renovations can arrange a special pick-up to remove debris by calling Maintenance at 631-698-2497. Contractors are not permitted to dispose of items in Condo 8 dumpsters; they must cart away debris from work done in your unit, including deliveries such as appliances and furniture. Contractors must be licensed and insured—contact the Board for requirements.
When you notice a lamppost light is out, either in the parking area or along the walkway, please submit a work order and, if possible, be sure to indicate the tag number listed on the pole.
Be aware, that although Brettonwoods is a safe community, we are not immune from crime. Do not leave valuables in your vehicles, especially within view. Always lock your cars and homes.
All vehicles in Condo 8 Parking Plazas must have a current registration and plates; this includes the long-term parking area. Vehicles not in compliance are subject to towing at the owner’s expense. Parking spaces are limited. Park nose-in, within the lines, one space per vehicle. Parking spaces, including handicapped parking spaces, are not assigned to any specific person.
Please advise your visitors of the Condo 8 House Rules and By-Laws and request they follow the same guidelines as those who live here. All residents are responsible for the actions of their guests within Condo 8, as well as the entire Brettonwoods Community, including but not limited to parking, rules of the road, utilizing the clubhouse facilities, and disposal of trash and cigarette butts. Fines will be imposed on the homeowner for their guest’s failure to follow house rules.
We are all connected through the pipeline, so to avoid clogging it up for everyone, cooking oils, grease, and meat fats do not belong down the drain; store it in a jar or can, then dispose of it in the dumpster with your kitchen trash. If you have a problem with your plumbing system, before calling for service, contact the Board. Biodegradable toilet paper is recommended.
Good dogs have owners who only leave paw prints behind – scoop it, bag it and trash it. Dog ownership is a privilege in Condo 8, and it comes with the responsibility of picking up after your pet. Do not allow your dog to walk on any grass or common area. $100 fines will be imposed on violators