Condo III – March 2025
Daylight Savings Time begins March 9th. Don’t forget to turn your clocks ahead an hour before you go to bed. St. Patrick’s Day is March 17th and Spring begins March 20th.
For non-workorder related issues and if there is anything else you would like us to include in the next newsletter, you can contact the board at:
Fire Alarms: Reminder, Homeowners are not permitted to remove or change hardwired fire alarms or smoke detectors. In the event of any issues with a hardwired fire alarm or smoke detector, it is very important before taking any action to contact the Condo Board by email.
Basement: The basement will be open for your convenience on:
Saturday, March 15th from 10:15am – 10:30am.
All items stored in the basement must be in a plastic tote labeled with your name, address, and phone number. Hazardous or combustible items may not be stored. All items stored in the basement are also stored at your own risk.
Snow: Remember, our landscapers will only come shovel our walks if we have 2 inches or more of snow. They also will not come until after the snow has stopped. They also do not come for rain or sleet. Every homeowner/resident should keep a small container of ice melt handy.
Our Maintenance crew who plows the lots also needs your help when it snows…. get your cars brushed off and moved so they can plow the lots and clear spaces for people to park safely.
Rental Units:
Please make sure your Town of Brookhaven rental permits are updated annually. Also, the most current copy of permit and lease should be submitted to the Condo via email or HOA office attention to Condo 3.
A few reminders:
• Upper Lamont Owners – you are responsible for maintenance of your balconies. You must remove snow accumulations from your decks promptly and carefully so there is no damage to the lower unit.
• If you live in an Upper Lamont, please do not dump the snow onto your neighbor’s walkway when you are clearing your balcony.
• Pick up your outdoor mats so they won’t get caught in the snow blowers.
• Leave your gate open if you want the path cleared to your door.
• After the Maintenance department has plowed the roads, please move your car out of the parking plazas so the men can plow the lots.
• Keep sand or ice melt and a small shovel handy in case you need to get out before the walks are cleared.
• Be careful walking and driving in the snow and ice.
• Cat owners – Please make sure your cats do not roam outside.
Common charges: Please keep in mind that common charges and assessments are due on the 1st of each month. If the HOA office receives your payment on the 11th. it is not 1 day late; it is 11 days late. You will be charged a late fee. Please don’t wait until the last minute to make your payments.
Dumpsters can be used for all trash. Recycling is done on carting site. Please break down all boxes before throwing them into the dumpster. If the dumpster is full, please use another one. DO NOT leave anything in front of or leaning against the dumpsters. The Carting company will not empty the dumpsters if the access is blocked in anyway.