Message from the President

An Update from the President

March 2025

Dear Bretton Woods Community,

One of my favorite things about writing my letter each year in March is announcing the beginning of Spring! Spring begins this year on March 20th at 5:01 AM. Let’s hope the snow is over and greenery will begin appearing soon! Everyone is reminded to “Spring Ahead” one hour on Sunday, March 9th when Daylight Saving Time begins.

As always, the Bretton Woods staff did an amazing job working around the clock while everyone was sleeping to keep the community clean before, during, and after the snowstorms in January and February and I thank them for their efforts. Employee Appreciation Day falls on March 7th this year and I’d like to express my gratitude to all our staff members for their efforts not only in the winter but year-round.

Recently, I’ve had a few residents message me on Facebook informing me that they do not receive the community’s blast calls and texts. Anyone in this situation is asked to call the Front Desk at 631-698-4513 and request to be added to the list.

Speaking of Facebook, everyone is reminded to follow Bretton Woods on Facebook by searching “Bretton Woods HOA.” As of the writing of this article, the group has 678 members and I’m hoping to break 700 soon. Potential followers are reminded to please answer the security question by entering their Condo (1-9) to be granted access to the group.

The next open forum meeting of the HOA Board of Directors is not until next month, but all residents are welcome to reach out to me or contact a staff member at the Clubhouse with any questions or concerns.

Wishing everyone a very St. Patrick’s Day!

“Like wildflowers, you must allow yourself to grow in all the places people thought you never would.” -E.V. Rogina

Thank you,

Proud President